Speculative sprite sorting methods by Falco Paul

Use your favorite java tool to work with the source code, or just
compile to byte code using "javac" and then run with "java". I've used
the 1.4 java release, but it may actually run without problems on
earlier versions of java. You can get java at www.sun.com

The basic idea of a hash/bucket sort is to "divide and rule". Each
sprite Y value is "hashed" to a bucket. If the bucket is unused, then
the sprite is just inserted at that position in the bucket table.
Whenever "collision" occur, collision entries are added to the collision
table. I've used a linked list for the collision table in this
implementation, but if you have enough free memory than
other/faster/more effective methods exist. But this version is easy on
the memory and performs really well.
Collision entries are kept in sorted order at all times since all new
sprites are "inserted" at just the right position. This requires a scan
of the entry and a quick swap.

Basicly, I developed a "sort code testing framework" where I can easily
plug in new sorting methods and test them as needed.
In this first release I have the hash sorting I told you about
(actually, it's also a bucket/insertion sort variant), "ocean" sorting
and a cool new method that I call "ocean bucket" sorting, that in fact
starts out with the "ocean" method, but if that takes too long (too many
swaps), quickly reverts to the bucket sort method.
If I have some time I'll look into other interesting sorting methods and
see how they perform.

I use a total of 64 sprites to give the sorting methods something more
challenging than just the "mere" standard 32. You'll find that certain
methods perform better/worse with more/less sprites, but no doubt you
will be able to find this out yourself.

The program runs 3 tests: totally random Y values (a million times),
then alternating extreme Y values (ie: 0,1,2,3... 64) and then followed
by (64,63,62...0) and finally a typical "gaming pattern", which kinda
represents an in-game situation.

I've inserted a sample run output below for your reference, but the
conclusions I have are these:

- The Ocean sort performs very fast for typical ingame patterns
- The Ocean sort performs lousy (bubbesort like) for pure random
patterns and extremly bad for extreme values

- The bucket sort performs pretty stable all the time, and isn't to bad
for ingame patterns (only 18% slower than the Ocean sort in the Java
  In fact, the ingame performace will (with some tuning and ASM code))
can no doubt become as good as the Ocean sort.
  I leave that last part as an exercise for the reader. I have inserted
many comments in the code were optimization is possible.
  Basicly, one of the problems with Java is the lack of a proper "byte"
representation (had to use integers). True assembly will kick ass here.
  Also, the code can be optimized bigtime if a fixed BUCKET size is
  I found 128 buckets to perform best overall (BWT: the memory usage for
this sorting algorithm is very low).

- The Ocean-Bucket sort may be the best compromise. It eleminates all
the lousy performance problems with the Ocean sort, and the kick
  ass ingame performance remains mostly unaffected.

If you like you can just copy this text verbatim into your rant, but
feel free to edit it a bit.

Here's another tip for a sprite multiplexor that I used in the old days:
not all sprites use the full height of a sprite.
For example, bullets may only occupy 3/4 scan lines.
By using a lookup tables that lists all the true sprite heights, the
system can often "resuse" the sprite earlier than when it assumes the
full height.


Falco / 20th century Composers (old days...)

Source code: (get it here)

import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;

class consts {
  public static final int MAXSPRITES = 64; // Number of sprites in our simulation
  public static final int MAXVALUE = 254; // Maximum Y value for a sprite

interface sortInterface {

  // Return the name of the method
  public String name ();

  // Called prior to a new round of sorting
  public void sortInit ();

  // Add sprite to the sorting object
  // Note that sortInit should be called exactly once prior to any addSprite calls
  public void addSprite (int index, int y);

  // Sort the sprites stored in the sorting object
  public void sort ();

  // Return next sprite (in sorted order) from the sorting object
  public int getNextSprite ();


// The bucket sort implementation

class bucketSort
    implements sortInterface {

  // Constants for this class

  static final int BUCKETS = 128; // Number of available buckets

  static final int HASH =
      (int) Math.ceil ( (double) consts.MAXVALUE / (double) BUCKETS);
  // Note 1: a major speedup can be obtained by fixing the above values and
  // then optimizing code for these values. A lot of the casting and Math
  // cals can then be eliminated. Choosing the number of buckets wisely
  // and then optimizing the ASM can make the sorting process blazingly fast
  // 128 buckets seems optimal for 32 sprites, giving the best performace times
  // Bare in mind that more buckets means larger memory usage
  // If memory is a big issue, use 64 buckets.
  // Note 2: Sprite Y values may not use value 255 in this implementation
  // This was done for reasons of memory optimization... in real C64 life
  // We would be using 'bytes' and not 'int' values. However, in Java, the
  // closest thing to a C64 is a int since Java uses signed bytes :(
  // Marks a collision list in the bucket map
  static final int COLLISONMARKER = 254;
  // Marks special items in lists, tables, etc
  static final int MARKER = 255;

  // Start of variables
  bucketManager Bucket;
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int bucketIndex;
  int CollisionPointer;
  // Helper classes
  class collisionList {
    int[] spriteTable = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
    int[] spriteYTable = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
    int[] pointerTable = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
    int freePointer = 0;

    public collisionList () {
      // No need to initialize the spriteTable and indexTable structures
    public void addNewCollision (int spriteIndex1, int spriteY1,
        int spriteIndex2, int spriteY2) {
      // This code is written out entirely for speed optimization
      if (spriteY1 < spriteY2) {
        spriteTable[freePointer] = spriteIndex1;
        spriteYTable[freePointer] = spriteY1;
        pointerTable[freePointer] = (freePointer + 1);
        spriteTable[freePointer] = spriteIndex2;
        spriteYTable[freePointer] = spriteY2;
        pointerTable[freePointer] = MARKER;

      else {
        spriteTable[freePointer] = spriteIndex2;
        spriteYTable[freePointer] = spriteY2;
        pointerTable[freePointer] = (freePointer + 1);
        spriteTable[freePointer] = spriteIndex1;
        spriteYTable[freePointer] = spriteY1;
        pointerTable[freePointer] = MARKER;

    public int addCollision (int Pointer, int spriteIndex, int spriteY) {
      // Add entry
      spriteTable[freePointer] = spriteIndex;
      spriteYTable[freePointer] = spriteY;
      // Check if this is the new lowest value
      if (spriteY < spriteYTable[Pointer]) {
        pointerTable[freePointer] = Pointer;
        return freePointer++;
      // Now we need to find the proper position in the linked list
      int indexPointer = Pointer;
      while (spriteYTable[pointerTable[indexPointer]] < spriteY) {
        // If we reach the end of the list we have find a new highest value
        if (pointerTable[pointerTable[indexPointer]] == MARKER) {
          pointerTable[pointerTable[indexPointer]] = freePointer;
          pointerTable[freePointer++] = MARKER;
          return Pointer; // Return original starting position
        indexPointer = pointerTable[indexPointer];
      // We have found an in-between value at this point
      int prevPointer = pointerTable[indexPointer];
      pointerTable[indexPointer] = freePointer;
      pointerTable[freePointer] = prevPointer;

      return Pointer; // Return original starting position
  class bucketManager {
    // Will hold the sprite entries that have been mapped ("hashed") directly
    int[] Table = new int[BUCKETS];
    // This is the collision table itself for colliding sprites
    collisionList Collisions = new collisionList ();
    // Holds pointers to the collision table
    int[] collisionTable = new int[BUCKETS];
    public bucketManager () {

      for (int i = 0; i < BUCKETS; i++) {
        Table[i] = MARKER;
      // No need to initialize any other structures


  // Constructor
  public bucketSort () {
    Bucket = new bucketManager ();
    if (consts.MAXVALUE >= MARKER) {
      throw new RuntimeException ("Internal error (MAXVALUE is too large)");
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Bucket sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    // Reset collision list
    Bucket.Collisions.freePointer = 0;
    // Reset indices for first call to getNextSprite()

    bucketIndex = 0;
    CollisionPointer = MARKER;
  // Add sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y; // Needed for possible later collision resolution
    int Hash = (y / HASH); // Using integer division here...
    if (Bucket.Table[Hash] == MARKER) {
      Bucket.Table[Hash] = index;
    else {
      if (Bucket.Table[Hash] == COLLISONMARKER) {
        Bucket.collisionTable[Hash] = Bucket.Collisions.addCollision (Bucket.
                                      collisionTable[Hash], index, y);
      else {
        // Create a new collison structure
        Bucket.collisionTable[Hash] = Bucket.Collisions.freePointer;
        Bucket.Collisions.addNewCollision (
            Bucket.Table[Hash], spriteY[Bucket.Table[Hash]], index, y);
        Bucket.Table[Hash] = COLLISONMARKER;
  // Sort sprites... but already done!
  public void sort () {
    // All the hard work is actually done in addSprite!!
  // Get the next sprite in sorted order
  public int getNextSprite () {
    int Index;
    // If we are draining from the collision list, continue to do so...
    if (CollisionPointer != MARKER) {
      Index = Bucket.Collisions.spriteTable[CollisionPointer];
      CollisionPointer = Bucket.Collisions.pointerTable[CollisionPointer];
      return Index;
    // Otherwise, continue to drain from the bucket table...
    while (Bucket.Table[bucketIndex] == MARKER) {
    Index = Bucket.Table[bucketIndex];
    // Clear the entry prior to return (so next sort iteration needs not to clean)
    Bucket.Table[bucketIndex] = MARKER;

    if (Index != COLLISONMARKER) {
      // Just return the sprite index since this is not at a collison marker
      return Index;
    // Oops, found a collison marker... need to drain the collison list now
    if (Index == COLLISONMARKER) {
      CollisionPointer = Bucket.collisionTable[bucketIndex];
      return getNextSprite (); // Fetch the first sprite from the collison list
    // If we come here we have encountered an internal bug...
    throw new RuntimeException ("Internal error");
// The Ocean sort implementation
class oceanSort
    implements sortInterface {
  int[] sortOrder = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int sortIndex;
  // Constructor
  public oceanSort () {
    // Initial seed sort order
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sortOrder[i] = i;
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Ocean sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    sortIndex = 0; // Reset indice for first call to getNextSprite()
  // Add a sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
  // Sort sprites...
  public void sort () {
    int Elem = (consts.MAXSPRITES - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < Elem; i++) {
      if (spriteY[sortOrder[i]] > spriteY[sortOrder[i + 1]]) {
        int j = i;
        while (true) {
          int swap = sortOrder[j];
          sortOrder[j] = sortOrder[j + 1];
          sortOrder[j + 1] = swap;
          if (j == 0) {
          if (spriteY[sortOrder[j]] < spriteY[sortOrder[j + 1]]) {
  public int getNextSprite () {
    return sortOrder[sortIndex++];


// The Ocean Bucket sort implementation
// Will try to figure out how much work has to be done before actually
// doing anything. If the Ocean sort looks to expensive it will simply
// do a bucket sort instead :)
// The Ocean sort implementation
class oceanBucketSort
    implements sortInterface {
  bucketSort BucketSorter = new bucketSort ();
  int[] sortOrder = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int sortIndex;
  // Constructor
  public oceanBucketSort () {
    // Initial seed sort order
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sortOrder[i] = i;
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Ocean Bucket sort";

  // Method that performs a bucket sort if there are too many swaps

  public void RunBucketSort () {
    // Ready for action
    BucketSorter.sortInit ();

    // Load the bucket sort
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      BucketSorter.addSprite (i, spriteY[i]);
    // Sort the lot
    BucketSorter.sort ();
    // Retrieve info and update internal state
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sortOrder[i] = BucketSorter.getNextSprite ();
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    sortIndex = 0; // Reset indice for first call to getNextSprite()
  // Add a sprite to the sorting object

  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
  // Sort sprites...
  public void sort () {
    int totalSwaps = 0;
    int Elem = (consts.MAXSPRITES - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < Elem; i++) {
      if (spriteY[sortOrder[i]] > spriteY[sortOrder[i + 1]]) {
        int j = i;
        while (true) {
          // If we hit the "too much" threshold exit and do a bucket sort!
          // "Too much" is rated with respect to the progress already made
          if (totalSwaps > ( (i / 2) + 10)) {
            RunBucketSort ();
          int swap = sortOrder[j];
          sortOrder[j] = sortOrder[j + 1];
          sortOrder[j + 1] = swap;
          if (j == 0) {
          if (spriteY[sortOrder[j]] < spriteY[sortOrder[j + 1]]) {

  public int getNextSprite () {
    return sortOrder[sortIndex++];
// The Ocean sort implementation
class oceanMergeSort
    implements sortInterface {
  int[] sortOrder = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int sortIndex;
  // Constructor
  public oceanMergeSort () {
    // Initial seed sort order
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sortOrder[i] = i;
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Ocean Merge sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    sortIndex = 0; // Reset indice for first call to getNextSprite()
  // Add a sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
  private void sort (int low, int hi) {
    if (low >= hi) {
    int mid = (low + hi) / 2;
    // Partition the list into two lists and sort them recursively
    sort (low, mid);
    sort (mid + 1, hi);
    // Merge the two sorted lists
    int end_low = mid;
    int start_hi = mid + 1;
    while ( (low <= end_low) && (start_hi <= hi)) {
      if (spriteY[sortOrder[low]] < spriteY[sortOrder[start_hi]]) {
      else {

        int temp = sortOrder[start_hi];
        for (int i = start_hi - 1; i >= low; i--) {
          sortOrder[i + 1] = sortOrder[i];
        sortOrder[low] = temp;
        // Update pointers

  // Sort sprites...

  public void sort () {
    sort (0, (consts.MAXSPRITES - 1));
  public int getNextSprite () {
    return sortOrder[sortIndex++];
// The Ocean Quick sort implementation
class oceanFastQuickSort
    implements sortInterface {
  int[] sortOrder = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int sortIndex;
  // Constructor
  public oceanFastQuickSort () {
    // Initial seed sort order
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sortOrder[i] = i;
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Ocean Fast Quick sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    sortIndex = 0; // Reset indice for first call to getNextSprite()
  // Add a sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
  private void quickSort (int left, int right) {
    int i, j;
    int temp, value;
    // Only do quicksort on series that are at least 4 elements long
    if ( (right - left) > 4) {
      i = ( (right + left) / 2);
      // Tri-Median method!
      if (spriteY[sortOrder[left]] > spriteY[sortOrder[i]]) {
        // swap
        temp = sortOrder[left];
        sortOrder[left] = sortOrder[i];
        sortOrder[i] = temp;

      if (spriteY[sortOrder[left]] > spriteY[sortOrder[right]]) {
        // swap
        temp = sortOrder[left];
        sortOrder[left] = sortOrder[right];
        sortOrder[right] = temp;
      if (spriteY[sortOrder[i]] > spriteY[sortOrder[right]]) {
        // swap
        temp = sortOrder[i];
        sortOrder[i] = sortOrder[right];
        sortOrder[right] = temp;
      j = (right - 1);
      // swap
      temp = sortOrder[i];
      sortOrder[i] = sortOrder[j];
      sortOrder[j] = temp;
      i = left;
      value = spriteY[sortOrder[j]];
      while (true) {
        // fast forward
        while (spriteY[sortOrder[++i]] < value) {
        // fast reverse
        while (spriteY[sortOrder[--j]] > value) {

        // stop condition
        if (j < i) {
        // swap
        temp = sortOrder[i];
        sortOrder[i] = sortOrder[j];
        sortOrder[j] = temp;
      // swap
      temp = sortOrder[i];
      sortOrder[i] = sortOrder[right - 1];
      sortOrder[right - 1] = temp;
      quickSort (left, j);
      quickSort (i + 1, right);

  private void insertionSort (int low, int hi) {
    for (int i = low + 1; i <= hi; i++) {
      int temp = sortOrder[i];
      int j = i;
      while ( (j > low) && (spriteY[sortOrder[j - 1]] > spriteY[temp])) {
        sortOrder[j] = sortOrder[j - 1];

      sortOrder[j] = temp;
  // Sort sprites...
  public void sort () {
    quickSort (0, (consts.MAXSPRITES - 1));
    insertionSort (0, (consts.MAXSPRITES - 1));
  public int getNextSprite () {
    return sortOrder[sortIndex++];
// The cluster sort implementation
class clusterSort
    implements sortInterface {
  // Marks special items in lists, tables, etc
  static final int MARKER = 255;
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] Min = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] Next = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES + 1];
  int[] Count = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[][] Cluster = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES][4];
  int first;
  int clusterCount;
  int sortIndex;
  int sortItem;
  // Constructor
  public clusterSort () {
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Cluster sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
  // Add a sprite enty
  private void add (int index) {
    // Now we need to find the proper position in the linked list
    if (spriteY[index] < spriteY[Min[first]]) {
      Cluster[clusterCount][0] = index;
      Min[clusterCount] = index;
      Count[clusterCount] = 1;
      Next[clusterCount] = first;
      first = clusterCount++;
    int i = first;
    if (clusterCount > 1) {
      while (spriteY[Min[Next[i]]] < spriteY[index]) {
        i = Next[i];
        if (Next[i] == MARKER) {
    // We have found an in-between value at this point
    // Now check if the Cluster is full... and if so, split up in two groups
    if (Count[i] == 4) {
      Cluster[clusterCount][0] = Cluster[i][2];
      Cluster[clusterCount][1] = Cluster[i][3];
      Min[clusterCount] = Cluster[clusterCount][0];
      Count[clusterCount] = 2;
      Next[clusterCount] = Next[i];

      Count[i] = 2;
      Next[i] = clusterCount;
      if (spriteY[index] > spriteY[Min[clusterCount]]) {
        i = clusterCount;
    // Add new entry to the Cluster, keeping all items sorted as the Cluster isn't full yet
    switch (Count[i]) {
      case 1: {
        Cluster[i][1] = index;
      case 2: {
        if (spriteY[index] < spriteY[Cluster[i][1]]) {
          Cluster[i][2] = Cluster[i][1];
          Cluster[i][1] = index;
        else {
          Cluster[i][2] = index;
      case 3: {
        if (spriteY[index] < spriteY[Cluster[i][1]]) {
          Cluster[i][3] = Cluster[i][2];
          Cluster[i][2] = Cluster[i][1];
          Cluster[i][1] = index;
        else if (spriteY[index] < spriteY[Cluster[i][2]]) {
          Cluster[i][3] = Cluster[i][2];
          Cluster[i][2] = index;
        else {
          Cluster[i][3] = index;
// Add a sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
// Sort sprites...
  public void sort () {
    // set up the first Cluster(s)
    Cluster[0][0] = 0;
    Min[0] = 0;
    Count[0] = 1;
    Next[0] = MARKER;
    clusterCount = 1;
    first = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      add (i);
    sortIndex = first; // Reset indices for first call to getNextSprite()
    sortItem = 0;
// Get the next sprite...
  public int getNextSprite () {
    // This is the next sprite
    int index = Cluster[sortIndex][sortItem];
    // Update indices for next call to getNextSprite()
    if (--Count[sortIndex] > 0) {
    else {
      sortIndex = Next[sortIndex];
      sortItem = 0;
    return index;
// The insertion bucket sort implementation
class insertionBucketSort
    implements sortInterface {
  static final int BUCKETS = 64; // Number of available buckets
  static final int HASH =
      (int) Math.ceil ( (double) consts.MAXVALUE / (double) BUCKETS);
  int[] spriteY = new int[consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[][] Bucket = new int[BUCKETS][consts.MAXSPRITES];
  int[] Count = new int[BUCKETS];
  int sortIndex;
  int sortItem;
  // Constructor
  public insertionBucketSort () {
  // Return name
  public String name () {
    return "Insertion Bucket sort";
  // Initialize a new sorting iteration
  public void sortInit () {
    sortIndex = 0; // Reset indices for first call to getNextSprite()
    sortItem = 0;
  // Add a sprite to the sorting object
  public void addSprite (int index, int y) {
    spriteY[index] = y;
    int Hash = (y / HASH); // Using integer division here...
    Bucket[Hash][Count[Hash]++] = index;
  // Sort sprites...
  public void sort () {
    // Run a simple insertion sort per bucket
    for (int b = 0; b < BUCKETS; b++) {
      int Elem = (Count[b] - 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < Elem; i++) {
        if (spriteY[Bucket[b][i]] > spriteY[Bucket[b][i + 1]]) {
          int j = i;
          while (true) {
            int swap = Bucket[b][j];
            Bucket[b][j] = Bucket[b][j + 1];
            Bucket[b][j + 1] = swap;
            if (j == 0) {
            if (spriteY[Bucket[b][j]] < spriteY[Bucket[b][j + 1]]) {
// Get the next sprite...
  public int getNextSprite () {
    // fast forward to next filled bucket
    while (Count[sortIndex] == 0) {
    // This is the next sprite
    int index = Bucket[sortIndex][sortItem];
    // Update indices for next call to getNextSprite()
    if (--Count[sortIndex] > 0) {
    else {
      sortItem = 0;
    return index;



// Internal representation of a sprite

class spriteObject {

  int y;
  int gamePatternIndex; // This attribute is only used for the game pattern test...

  public spriteObject () {


// Class that manages sprites

class spriteManager {

  spriteObject[] Sprite = new spriteObject[consts.MAXSPRITES];

  int[] gamePatternY = {
                       0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15,
                       17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52,
                       55, 59, 62, 66, 69, 73, 76, 80, 84, 88, 91, 95, 99,
                       103, 107, 111, 115, 119, 123, 127, 131, 135, 139, 143,
                       147, 151, 155, 159, 163, 166, 170, 174, 178, 181, 185,
                       188, 192, 195, 199, 202, 205, 208, 211, 214, 217, 220,
                       223, 225, 228, 230, 232, 235, 237, 239, 241, 242, 244,
                       246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254,
                       254, 254, 254, 254, 253, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248,
                       247, 246, 244, 242, 241, 239, 237, 235, 232, 230, 228,
                       225, 223, 220, 217, 214, 211, 208, 205, 202, 199, 195,
                       192, 188, 185, 181, 178, 174, 170, 166, 163, 159, 155,
                       151, 147, 143, 139, 135, 131, 127, 123, 119, 115, 111,
                       107, 103, 99, 95, 91, 88, 84, 80, 76, 73, 69, 66, 62,
                       55, 52, 49, 46, 43, 40, 37, 34, 31, 29, 26, 24, 22, 19,
                       17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1,
                       0, 0, 0, 0};

  public spriteManager () {

    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      Sprite[i] = new spriteObject ();
  public void setRandomY () {
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      Sprite[i].y = (int) (Math.random () * consts.MAXVALUE);
  public void setIncreasingY () {
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      Sprite[i].y = (i *
                    (int) Math.ceil ( (double) consts.MAXVALUE /
                    (double) consts.MAXSPRITES));
  public void setDecreasingY () {
    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      Sprite[i].y = (consts.MAXVALUE -
                    (i *
                    (int) Math.ceil ( (double) consts.MAXVALUE /
                    (double) consts.MAXSPRITES)));


  public void initGamePatternY () {

    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      Sprite[i].gamePatternIndex = (int) (Math.random () *


  public void setGamePatternY () {

    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {

      Sprite[i].y = (gamePatternY[Sprite[i].gamePatternIndex] *
                    (consts.MAXVALUE / 254));

      Sprite[i].gamePatternIndex = ( (Sprite[i].gamePatternIndex + 1) %




// Class that runs sorting tests for given a specific sorting object

public class spriteSortTest {

  // Indicates number of test runs
  static final int MAXTESTITERATIONS = 100000;

  spriteManager sManager = new spriteManager ();
  sortInterface sort;

  // constructor

  public spriteSortTest (sortInterface sort) {
    this.sort = sort;

  // move sprites to the given sorting object

  public void insertSpritesInSort () {

    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      sort.addSprite (i, sManager.Sprite[i].y);


  // drain sprites from the given sorting object

  public void drainSpritesFromSort () {

    for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
      int sprite = sort.getNextSprite ();


  // basic test to see if the given sorting object works OK

  public void functionalTest () {

    // Do test runs to determine if the sorting object runs correctly

    for (int t = 0; t < 1000; t++) {

      sManager.setRandomY ();
      sort.sortInit ();
      insertSpritesInSort ();
      sort.sort ();

      ArrayList originalList = new ArrayList ();
      ArrayList sortedList = new ArrayList ();

      for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {
        originalList.add (new Integer (sManager.Sprite[i].y));

      int minY = 0;
      int curY;

      for (int i = 0; i < consts.MAXSPRITES; i++) {

        curY = sManager.Sprite[sort.getNextSprite ()].y;
        sortedList.add (new Integer (curY));

        if (curY >= minY) {
          minY = curY;
        else {
          throw new RuntimeException ("Sort order malfunction");


      if (!sortedList.containsAll (originalList)) {
        throw new RuntimeException ("Sort did not return all added elements");



  // speed test for a given sort object using completely random sprite Y values

  public void randomYSort () {

    for (int t = 0; t < MAXTESTITERATIONS; t++) {
      sManager.setRandomY ();
      sort.sortInit ();
      insertSpritesInSort ();
      sort.sort ();
      drainSpritesFromSort ();


  // speed test for a given sort object using extremes of Sprite Y values

  public void extremesOfYSort () {

    for (int t = 0; t < (MAXTESTITERATIONS / 2); t++) {

      // Prevent 'memory' advantages by alternating between
      // increasing and decreasing sprite Y values...

      sManager.setIncreasingY ();
      sort.sortInit ();
      insertSpritesInSort ();
      sort.sort ();
      drainSpritesFromSort ();

      sManager.setDecreasingY ();
      sort.sortInit ();
      insertSpritesInSort ();
      sort.sort ();
      drainSpritesFromSort ();



  // speed test for a given sort object using typical 'game pattern' Y values

  public void gamePatternYSort () {

    final int MAXREINIT = 1000;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAXREINIT; i++) {

      sManager.initGamePatternY ();

      for (int t = 0; t < (MAXTESTITERATIONS / MAXREINIT); t++) {
        sManager.setGamePatternY ();
        sort.sortInit ();
        insertSpritesInSort ();
        sort.sort ();
        drainSpritesFromSort ();



  // run all the tests for a given sort object

  public void run () {

    System.out.println ("Sorting " + consts.MAXSPRITES + " sprites in " +
        MAXTESTITERATIONS + " test runs for the << " + sort.name () +
        " >> sorting method");

    System.out.println ("Running the functional test");
    functionalTest ();
    System.out.println ("Functional test completed succesfully");

    System.out.println ("Completely random Y");
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    randomYSort ();
    long stop = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    System.out.println ("Elapsed: " + (stop - start));

    System.out.println ("Extremes of Y");
    start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    extremesOfYSort ();
    stop = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    System.out.println ("Elapsed: " + (stop - start));

    System.out.println ("Gaming pattern Y");
    start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    gamePatternYSort ();
    stop = System.currentTimeMillis ();
    System.out.println ("Elapsed: " + (stop - start));


  // main entry point

  public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {

    spriteSortTest test1 = new spriteSortTest (new bucketSort ());

    spriteSortTest test2 = new spriteSortTest (new oceanSort ());

    spriteSortTest test3 = new spriteSortTest (new oceanBucketSort ());

    spriteSortTest test4 = new spriteSortTest (new oceanMergeSort ());

    spriteSortTest test5 = new spriteSortTest (new oceanFastQuickSort ());

    spriteSortTest test6 = new spriteSortTest (new clusterSort ());
    test6.run ();

    spriteSortTest test7 = new spriteSortTest (new insertionBucketSort ());
    test7.run ();

